

Power and decision-making decentralizes to the people, centralized decision-making yields to autonomous agents, and humanist investments in people increase and create a new social engineering. Investments in infrastructure, innovation, education, and healthcare radically transform the group into a "better" and more resilient system, a phoenix rising form the ashes. Resilience is the objective of the hidden logic and rebellion, self-organizing principle and behavior are part of the sandpile, complexity increases with the network as more agents join, and self-healing of the autonomous agents promote innovation and change. The group starts to behave like an immune system and swarms potential threats and recovers from disasters through autonomous action. The empowerment of group is believed to overcome the destabilizing evil of the bad agents. The fight starts without a fight. The fight starts by manipulation of the environment. The battle between good and evil depends on the creativity and imagination of the coherent groups of like agents working in cooperation too the betterment of the system. Good agents confront bad agents and pursued them to change through debate and argument rather than violence. The battle of ideas is the method of change.[Learn More ...]