
Book : The world America made

The World America Made

We can not know why the collapse occurs, but we can see signs that a collapse is pending due to unusual behavior in the system attempting to match a behavioral profile that causes power law constants to engage and equilibrium in the system to occur. Today, The unique events are 1.14 quadrillion dollar derivatives mountain, a speculative economy, $150 trillions in long term of which $50 trillion is Medicare and Medicaid, a decade of low interest and low tax, 4 to 6 percent inflation, $5 trillions in money supply, and $3 trillion in currency swaps with Europe. The evils of speculation must correct through liquidation of bad debt

1. Since 1950, global GDP has averaged 4 percent per year

2. Our era is known as the one were the US and Russia did not go to war

3. In the previous thousand years, war, despotism, and poverty have been the norm. US Liberal democracy wins over other forms of government. The primary reason for the spread of liberal democracy is the United States.

4. History shows that world orders are in transient. Every international order reflects the beliefs and values of the strongest powers. The strong powers establish the “norms” (politics, religion, ideas, and beliefs) by which the other countries adhere. When the order fails all the supporting structure fails with the order. Culture, arts, science, and technology are all set-back for centuries. People lose the recipe for cement.

5. The European empire collapsed after four decades of aggressive imperialism, widespread oppression, economic growth and stability, expansion of personal freedoms, and globalization. The outbreak of world one, Europe fell into hyper nationalism, despotism, and economic collapse. The collapse of European power allowed predatory authoritarian powers to sit atop.

6. The collapse of the American order would devastate the whole world, politically, intellectually, morally, and economically.

7. The present world order depends on American power and its unique qualities

8. America looks for escape in the intermingling of politics for the countries where power is projected

9. No other nation has the qualities that America possesses: free market capitalism, democratic form of government based on constitution, and an enormous military power.

10. Americans are like most other people with a blend of selfishness and generosity. Americans think of themselves as aloof, passive, self-contained, and inclined to minding their own business.

11. Americans do not seek war. America does not go to war because it wants too. America fight to defend themselves, fight tyranny, to support democracy. Every time Americans go to war, they promise themselves they will never do it again.

12. All nondemocratic governments are inherently illegitimate and transient.

13. America has used force against dictators. America does not want colonies. America took responsibility for the state of the world after World War II.

14. While American military power gets stronger, other nations military get weaker. The cold war did not make Russia militarily stronger.

15. Most nations of the world are support of American power. Many countries agree with America’s views of right and wrong. Many nations of the world need America power because of conflicting with other nations.

16. As a rule, the United States seeks approved for its wars when it confident it will receive it.

17. The acceptance of American military power is critical to maintaining peace with the super powers.

18. US and Japan alliance is important to contain Chinese military dominance in the South Seas and Philippines.

19. China and Russia are ruled by autocrats who have no intent of giving up power or influence. In 2006, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan gained independence from Russia.

20. What would happen if America reduced the burden of keeping trade routes open for free trade? Would other groups sustain navies to keep trade routes open? China is trying to use it growing naval power to close international waters. When world navies become equal trade is imperiled.

21. Chinese capitalism is largest state capitalism. State own enterprise dominate vital parts of the economy. The states enterprises goal is to maximize profits and increase leadership and power of the enterprise. Russia, China, Brazil, and Mexico practice state capitalism, as a means to business and supporting national interests. China is using its surplus to acquire resources that keeps rulers in power and allows China to project power, internationally.

22. The democracies can be satisfied with a liberal world order the United States created.

23. China is not interested in territorial expansion or conflict with its neighbors.

24. Russia has no desire to take charge of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, or Belarus.

25. International law and institutions will fail to have the force and power required to keep the established American order. There is not a substitute for America Power that will work. The United Nations creates war and instability rather than stops it. UN peacekeepers don’t have the will to fight. Only the Americas can do the fighting necessary to restore peace.

26. If China is to become a competitor with American then a richer and more powerful India is an asset.

27. As of 2011, there were 160,000 troops in Europe and 200,000 troops in Afghanistan and Iraq with a total force of 500,000 troops.

28. In 2011, 11% of Americans were satisfied with the way things were going.

We take for obvious the benefits of American power. Is the President of the United States obligated to be the world leader and entangle himself in world affairs? No. The constitution does not require the president to be a world leader. Does America have the responsibility to maintain dominant American power? America believes in peace through strength, but not strength through oppression or slavery. America takes the role of protecting weaker nations. Have we entered into a golden age of peace? No, but we have had no world wars where civilizations extinction is possible.

When governments attempt to acquire "power and gain" through international means than it signals the decline of the civilization. America must avoid the temptation of seeking power and gain through secret combinations. We should all fight those combinations when they are visible or being promoted. For the most part, America does not seek power and gain and would rather mind its own business and prosperity. America does not colonize Iraq oil or exploit Africas vast mineral resources. America does not keep Austrian coal under its thumb and drive away autonomy. No. America is great. America is the friend to most nations of the earth. There is no proof that America colonized Afghanistan for its gold. America does not exploit other countries for profit.
