

In 1984 the Lehman Doctrine set the stage for engagement policy against Soviet aggression. The foremost point was gaining Maritime supremcy. This goal resulted in a significant increase in aircraft carriers going from 12 to 15 by 1990 and was consider the best weapon for offensive operations. Aircraft carriers were covenanted because they were versatile, could survive all but direct nuclear hits, and sufferred few political constraints. The aircraft carrier was the most secure storage site for nuclear weapons. The Lehman Doctrine was both offensive in orientation and offensive in its suggested use of force. It was suggested that in a conflict against Soviet aggression the U.S would target soviet fleets, coastal installations, inner areas of industry, and threaten the potential adversary in the most secure areas. The usage of attack submarines would immediately suppress Soviet nuclear strikes from sea and battleships would devastate land areas from a distance. Reagan further sought alliances with the People's Republic of China against Soviet forces. In South Korea, 207,000 troops were place in the DMZ to put North Korea on the Defensive. It is believed in a surge that there will be strong reliance on nuclear weapons in a crunch meaning usage of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear adversary. South Korea has the option too use DMZ nucs to stop or stun an attack from the North. A package weapon of two atomic demolation mines, 30 artillery, and 5-10 aircraft. The premise is that a small scale nuclear conflict could be survived and won.[Learn More ...]