

The 5Ss can be managed from the perspective of visual management. Seiri – discard unnecessary things. When you walk through gemba, do you find unused work-in-process, supplies, machines, tools, dies, shelves, carts, containers, documents, or personal belongings that are not in use? Throw them away so that only what is needed remains. Seiton – put in order the things that remain. Everything in gemba must be in its right place and ready for use when needed. Sieso – thorough cleaning of equipment and the area. Can you detect abnormalities in the equipment? Seiketsu – keeping oneself clean and working on three items above daily. Shitsuke – self-discipline. Has management established standards for the employees? Do workers follow the standards? The workers must record data on graphs and check sheets on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis as requested. Good housekeeping means pleasing other people as the means to please oneself. Good housekeeping improves human relations and increases communication with others. 15 minutes of cleaning changes feelings about the work place and builds pride in the company. Good housekeeping teaches the worker to improve himself, understand other peoples problems, gain an affection towards tangible objects (machines he operates), and improve family life.[Learn More ...]