

Understanding involves the notion of composition. If a thing can be composed, the understanding of it can be in reference to its factors. The second mode of thought is to treat the concept as one unity, whether or not is capable of analysis. Philosophy is the attempt to make manifest the fundamental evidence as the nature of things. However, philosophy is only as good as things being explored are self-evident. The natural realm of cause and effect is described as differential equations. Differential equations provide a purely mathematical explanation of gravity, force, torque, current, optics, and relativity. Philosophy is only as good as the topics it explores are self-evident. Philosophy is the criticism of abstraction governing special modes of thought. Philosophy in the proper sense cannot be proven. Proof is in abstraction. So philosophy is either self-evident or it is not philosophy. Philosophy can only argue that the existence of God is self-evident. Philosophy does not have the capacity to prove the nonexistence of God because it cannot abstract. Objectivity at best can only criticize those who believe in God and this criticism can be classified as "lacking understanding".[Learn More ...]