
Books : Rockets Red Glare ( War )

Rockets Red Glare

War produces economic uncertainty. The American people were reluctant to support a huge program of post war aid following WWI. High war debt drive higher levels of inflation, higher interest rates to attract debt investors, and increases in taxes to pay for the War Aid and reconstruction.

The Truman doctrine, NATO, and deterrence suggested an era of permanent mobilization, entangled alliances, expensive foreign aid, and the renunciation of protectionism legislation. Foreign policy after WWI aimed at building strength in Europe first then Asia and getting tough with Russia meant big military spending and when Truman was perceived to be soft on the Russian’s his popularity dropped to 32%. The big question in 1945 was how should Truman deal with the Soviets. This meant a showdown with Stalin and his declaration that the Soviets were more capable alarmed American in the pandemic fear of WWIII.

The world hoped for peace. American’s did not expect a problem with the Soviets ally. Instead Americans expected trouble with Berlin. In one event, Soviets and American’s cross the river Elbe, guzzled wine, and embraced. However, this euphoria would not last as Stalin’s rhetoric became more hostile to democratic ideals. Ambassador Averell Harriman said, “American Soviet difference were irreconcilable.” 60 percent of American’s thought U.S foreign policy was too soft on Russia and 70 percent disapproved of Soviet foreign policy.

The atomic weapon had given the U.S, victory over Japan and the weapon could be used to bring the Soviets to their heel and in the Berlin Crisis of 1948, U.S intelligence leaked intelligence indicating 60, B-29 were available to strike the Soviet Union from England and carried the weapon. The truth was these planes were not configured to carry atomic weapons. However, the message was clear: during a provocation use of nuclear weapons would occur without congressional debate or public discussion. The fear would fuel a never-ending arms race to establish “credibility”. Atomic weapons credibility only worked is the President’s determination to risk nuclear war in defense of vital interest was beyond doubt. The U.S was the only power that stood in the path of communism. Soviet aggression in Greece meant the possibility of Soviet expansion in Eastern Mediterranean region and signaled the possibility of cutting off Europe’s oil access. So, the Greek-Turkey bill was passed giving $5 billion in aid. The Soviet threat expanded in 1948 with the Czechoslovakia Communist coup. American’s wanted a touch stance against Stalin. The Soviets cut rail, truck, auto, and barge traffic West Germany. The Berlin Airlift demonstrated Truman was standing up to the Soviets.

Soviet aggression was inherently evil and a conflict was endemic. It was thought that when the Soviets had the capability to deliver atomic weapon on American soil they would step up their military and political pressure with Europe. Nuclear capability became the nexus for communist aggression sparking the Korean War, containment in Vietnam, Soviet alliances with Cuba, civil war in Nicaragua, etc. U.S foreign policy of permanent mobilization correlated to increased military spending moving from $15 billion/year to $50 billion/year, permanent high taxes, and political recognition of the important role the House of Representative approving military appropriation bills.

The moral question of first strike was not acceptable too many Americans. The moral question would be “is this a just war”, also may other countries would the view the attack as repugnant. The first strike option could not be exercised and there could be no immediate victory to the idea logical conflict.

Americans were ready for a protract East-West tension. Protract tension run the danger of bankruptcy caused from protracted defense readiness. Truman suggested a $15 billion ceiling but the financial control could not be applied.

Truman ordered General MacArthur to take on the Northern invaders, NSC 68, the 7th fleet positioned near Formosa. However, Americans gave support for a military response in Europe to settle the balance of power and not Asia with the push too rearm Germany, as a deterrent against Soviet aggression.

MacArthur viewed Taiwan as the unsinkable aircraft carrier, a base from which Chang with American assistance could retake China. MacArthur had success at Incheon and wanted to press past the 38th parallels and pursue the North. Truman feared nuclear escalation with Russia and China and furthermore the nation was unready for a major land war with China. Americans did not support use of the Atomic weapon on Russia. Nov 25, 1950, 300,000 Chinese sprung their trap and within 48 hours there were 1000s of American causalities. MacArthur made a secret request to use Atomic weapons on 26 targets. Truman fires MacArthur and a congressional review is initiated into Trumans actions. 66 percent of Americans favored pull out of the Korean War.

Lyndon Johnson argued withdrawal from Vietnam meant communist carnage. Vietnam symbolized protection from Communist encroachment in Asia. War planner wanted a slow squeeze. The American people were not willing to pay taxes for domestic reconstruction and an all out war. The public rejected the concept of controlled escalation. Johnson’s foreign policy pushed him out and Nixon in. After the Tet offensive, 55 percent of Americans wanted a more aggressive campaign. Nixon speech about peace at home and peace abroad and anti-war pressures indicated a military withdrawal from Vietnam and further indicated that South Vietnam could not win. In 1973, the U.S withdrew from Vietnam and widened the war by invading Cambodia. Nixon was force to resign and the conclusion being war could not be won using a limited war that did not arouse pubic ire. Containment was not a western warfare ideology.
