
C# How to use an JSON string to update an Unit of Work repository

Overview: I want to show how to map an business view into an business entity in this demo. The entity framework requires you find, add, update, and delete using the base. _dbContext.Set context. This means the UpdateObject must receive an object of type T retrieved by the base class before setting the modify the state, otherwise, entity framework with generate an non unique index.

In the code sample, the chart of account model is stored in a json string. The function processjson - deseralizes the json string into a chartOfAcct class object. Using the base class, I select by predicate the object number resulting in a match. This match is the only object that can be updated by entity framework! The Match chartOfAcct from the database is stored in a IQueryable variable called query.

The json string object variable called chartOfAcct is mapped into a business view using the abstract factory called view. View is mapped into the entity framework retrieved by base GetObjectsAsync using the Abstract Factory. I use a list and a index to reference the base chartOfacct object because foreach will not allow item to be passed by reference.

class ChartOfAccountRepository : Repository<ChartOfAcct>

public class ChartOfAccountRepository : Repository<ChartOfAcct>
        private Entities _dbContext;
        private ApplicationViewFactory applicationViewFactory;
        public ChartOfAccountRepository(DbContext db) : base(db)
            _dbContext = (Entities)db;
            applicationViewFactory = new ApplicationViewFactory();
        public void ProcessAccount(string json)
            ChartOfAcct chartOfAcct = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChartOfAcct>(json);
            Task<Company> companyTask = (from e in _dbContext.Companies
                              where e.CompanyId == chartOfAcct.CompanyId
                              select e).FirstOrDefaultAsync<Company>();
            chartOfAcct.Company = companyTask.Result;
            ChartOfAccountView view = applicationViewFactory.MapChartOfAccountView(chartOfAcct);
            IQueryable<ChartOfAcct> query = GetObjectsAsync(e=>e.ObjectNumber == view.ObjectNumber, "");
            List<ChartOfAcct> list = query.ToList<ChartOfAcct>();
            if (list.Count==0)
                //foreach (var item in query)
                for (int i = 0; i < (int) list.Count; i++)

                    var item = list[i];
                    applicationViewFactory.MapChartOfAccountEntity(ref item, view);


Json String

        public bool CreateAssets()
            string json = "";

            json = @"{ ""Location"":""01"" ,""BusUnit"":""1200"",""Account"":""1200.100""
      ,""Description"":""Assets (DB)"",""CompanyNumber"":""1000"",""ObjectNumber"":""100""


            return true;

Repository<T> where T : class Unit of Work Base

 public void UpdateObject(T dataObject)
                _dbContext.Entry(dataObject).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;

