
The Way the World Works is by Tribes

The way the world works is through tribes. Experts are external to your organization. The best on your product or service will not work for you. These experts are informed, connected and smart. A tribe is an allegiance of peers both internally and externally associated.

Tribes communicate primarily through email. The tribe can be global. Electronics have made the groups more tribal. The members of the tribe think in terms of local issues but act in terms of global implementation. Tribes work because of a built strong relationship of trust. A tribe has its own style. The rules of the tribe do exist. Outsiders think the tribe does not follow reason, but that is because they don't share the culture, values or principles of the tribe. Critics erroneously often hold tribes to standards and reasoning they are familiar with. For example, President Trump was able to gain the full support of the Republican party. Trump is the most popular Republican President in history. He displaces the great Republican icon, Ronald Reagan, as the most charismatic and influential president to advocate Republican values and principles. Trump's 21% tax for corporations appeals to growing companies and domestic companies competing against foreign competition. Trump is committed to the Republican Party values and represents the Grand Old Party line commitments. Trump supports supply-side economics, gun rights, reform for student loans, a strong military, stopping illegal immigration, removal of excess government spending, and elimination of national debt. Trump gained the support of many young, urban, professional voters. His values appealed to their sense of the future. Trump instilled confidence that his administration could respond to the incredible debt challenges created by the Democrats. Trump's conservative values seemed logical, believable and practical. The Democratic Party values pushed many new voters into the Trump camp. Trump understood the issues affecting the middle class and the small business owners of America. Business people were relieved to have a president in office who understood the issues impacting their business and wasn't afraid to act in their interests. Voters felt relief in the belief that Trump would help them carry their economic burden. They felt comfortable in supporting him. Trump helped people feel pride in being American again. I love his statement that he wanted to help make America rich again. This was an exciting idea. America could enjoy fair trade practices, increase exports and reduce poverty. Trump put America back on the road to greatness. Trump said he would build the 2000 mile wall, and Mexico would pay for it. That was a great statement of work. 14 million illegal immigrants reside in America. Trump believes in justice. Christian groups like Trump. During the election campaign, he gained the support of the Southern Baptists, the largest protestant group in America. Trump leads and unites a great tribe.

President Trump will work a deal with creditors to pay partial payment on the national debt. In 2011, the national debt was 67% of the Gross Domestic Product. In 2018, the national debt is 104% of the GDP. The U.S. debt ceiling has risen each year. The debt ceiling is how much money the government needs to remain in operation. This debt is not acquired from investors. National debt is acquired from investors. Investors buy U.S. Treasury bonds as a defensive tactic. U.S. Treasuries have long been considered a safe haven investment during economic downturns. Strong buying of U.S. Treasuries strengthens the dollar, fuels a real estate boom, increases buying of stock I love his statement that he wanted to help make America rich again. This was an exciting idea. America could enjoy fair trade practices, increase exports and reduce poverty. Trump put America back on the road to greatness. Trump said he would build the 2000 mile wall, and Mexico would pay for it. That was a great statement of work. 14 million illegal immigrants reside in America. Trump believes in justice. Christian groups like Trump. During the election campaign, he gained the support of the Southern Baptists, the largest protestant group in America. Trump leads and unites a great tribe.

President Trump will work a deal with creditors to pay partial payment on the national debt. In 2011, the national debt was 67% of the Gross Domestic Product. In 2018, the national debt is 104% of the GDP. The U.S. debt ceiling has risen each year. The debt ceiling is how much money the government needs to remain in operation. This debt is not acquired from investors. National debt is acquired from investors. Investors buy U.S. Treasury bonds as a defensive tactic. U.S. Treasuries have long been considered a safe haven investment during economic downturns. Strong buying of U.S. Treasuries strengthens the dollar, fuels a real estate boom, increases buying of stock and stock indexes and lowers loan interest rates. Increased government spending on debt must be authorized by the president and Congress. Three fifths of U.S. debt is held by U.S. institutions, U.S. Investors, or the Fed. 18% is owned by China and 19% by Japan.

Fedwire is used by the Fed to transfer funds between institutions. Fedwire is not set up for defaults on payment of Treasury bonds. Trump will require the Fed not to freeze up funds during the partial payment debt deal. Mutual funds by covenant are not allowed to hold securities that are in default. Selling of securities would cause the dollar to decrease in value against other currencies. The world currencies would decrease in value as the dollar dropped. The Reserve Primary Fund holds $2 trillion, and a dollar selloff would adversely affect this fund like it did in 2008.

Central banks have slowed their purchases of the U.S. Treasuries. The decrease in the velocity of buying securities has increased pressure on the creditors to continue buying securities to keep their exports strong. As the dollar decreased in value, small countries' currencies would appreciate, and their exports would become more expensive, experiencing decreases in purchases.

In 2017, personal income taxes reached $1.6 trillion. $830 billion went to bondholders for interest payments on the national debt. The Bank of Japan has been buying $720 billion of Japan's national debt per year. Forty-percent of Japanese workers lack secure, full-time employment. Why hasn't Japan experienced hyperinflation? Because of the vast amounts of personal savings the Japanese traditionally put away for a rainy day. However, those funds will not last forever. Japan's nation debt is 230% of its gross national product. Japanese households are conservative about spending their savings. Japan is living with its enormous debt and tolerating increased money supply through inflation.

President Trump expects the economy to grow by 6 percent a year. Growth is expected to be 2.4 percent in 2018. Tax cuts will result in increased tax revenue. Trump will build confidence in the short-term through tax cuts and generate $3.6 trillion in additional tax revenue. Trump will reduce regulation that has increased operating costs. As confidence increases, consumer spending will remain strong. Trump plans on repealing and replacing Obamacare, a program that costs $1.2 trillion in debt. Trump wants to bring manufacturing jobs from China, Mexico and Japan back into America. President Trump wants America car manufacturers to use American steel. He wants Apple to build devices, computers and software in America. Trump wants to restore coal as a viable source of fuel for generating electricity. Trump is a president that will fight for the people to bring back wealth. Trump will lower the taxes on middle class married couples and families. Trump will eliminate the carried interest exceptions for Wall Street, eliminate the federal estate tax and allow taxpayers to deduct mortgage interest and charitable donations from their taxes. Trump wants to create an energy revolution and lower the cost of energy for all. Trump wants to eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Education.

Trump wants America out of the Paris Agreements and he wants to repeal the carbon tax initiatives. Trump will push to impose tariffs on foreign imports or American companies manufacturing in foreign countries importing into America. Trump wants to spend a $1 trillion on infrastructure, power grids, airports, bridges and roads. New taxes will be imposed on imports keeping trade fair. Chinese products will become more expensive as double-digit tariffs are apply to them. Americans will turn to American-made products. Trump wants to bring the nation together and unite many into the tribe.
