
Why are Japanese investors venturing in the US Home loan market?

1. Bank of Japan announced intent to buy Japanese government bonds maturing in 40 years.

2. Japanese Bond holders receive the lowest interest rates and the highest government debt in relationship to gross domestic production

3. Japanese Bond Investors will sell the holdings once they believe BOJ bond buying is not sustainable.

4. Secondary Bond market malfunctioned

5. Banks are hoping bond investors will demand higher yields to reduce “volatility risk”

6. As of April 2013, Five year Japanese Government Bond yield is 0.255 percent.

7. BOJ is authorized to increase Japanese money supply another $2.8 trillion. Japan’s total debt is $10.35 trillion. (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/04/16/business/jgbs-exhibit-record-volatility-as-yields-fluctuate-wildly/)

8. BOJ bond buying send yields lower in US, Germany, France, Canada, UK, and Belgium. The investment community is get shocked by BOJ bond buying. Long term Japanese bond yields approach zero.

9. The US 30 year bond yield is 2.867% attracting Japanese pension funds and life-insurance companies to buy. Japanese life-insurance companies have the most money to invest in treasuries. The dollar gains in strength from the treasury purchases. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324600704578405283451119480.html)

10. Japanese investors are venturing in the US home loan market bringing increasing holdings in Ginnie Mae by $50 billion.

11. The Fed may sell back $40 billion in mortgage bonds. (http://business.financialpost.com/2013/04/15/how-japan-is-helping-u-s-homebuyers/)
