
Books : Awakening the Entrepreneur Within: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Companies

Awakening the Entrepreneur Within

1. Creating a business is electric. It requires an idea, semi-surreal in nature, but nothing like anyone has seen before.

2. Creating a business is awaking the energy within and playing with ideas and building game rules of engagement.

3. An entrepreneur is an inventor and invents new business. An entrepreneur does not want to run a business someone else invented, he want to create and run his own business.

4. People love to experience the original business idea. Customers that buy from the business are applauding the entrepreneur's originality, brilliance, and successful performance.

5. The faster the business grows, the more successful the invention.

6. Everyone has the ability to conceive a great idea for a new business. You have to develop the practice of developing great ideas for business, a system. The system has four roles players: dreamer (vision), thinker (how), story teller (relives the experience - performer), and leader (persuader - leads people to build the vision).

7. The dreamer does not need logic. All we can do is try to produce results. The dreamer's vision has an impact on people; they are significantly impacted by the vision. The dream provides something and provides them what is missing.

8. Personal dreams are incremental. Personal dream fuel our dispassionate lives. The promise a better life. Personal dreams always disappoint.

9. Entrepreneurs don't care about what they have created; they care about the customers that consume what they have created.

10. The customer does not know what they want, so asking them what to create is not helpful.

11. Creating money does not give the created thing meaning.

12. Try to come to a place where you don't matter and the customer does.

13. An organization is an organization of systems.

14. Your business is not your people. People are interested in themselves. Business must give your people what they want. Your people help keep the promises given to the customer. There is no customer service only customer commitment.

15. What money does your business make? This should be the driving question in every conversation you have with your people.

16. A business must mean something. Your business is only as good as your determination to do better than someone else. You must successfully differentiate yourself.

17. Business should become turnkey system of standardized procedures.

18. The entire Universe is supremely imaginative. The Universe exists for us. We are creating the reality around us, as we go. This is a divine truth. Imagination is the path of impossibilities.
