
Books : Your hands can heal you

Your hands can heal you

1. Life can heal itself. There exists a regenerative ability, force, and intelligence. There is a larger energetic template that directs cells to grow and differentiate. Colors of chi: red (boost overall energy, energizing no delicate organs, increase blood flow), yellow (promoting tissue growth, wound repair), Orange (remove constipation), Green (cleansing), Blue (stopping or reducing bleeding, pain relief, stabilizing), green-blue( relieving pain), Violet (cleansing and energizing), electric violet (cleansing and energizing - emotional disturbances). You can use your crown to project violet and electric violet chi. Throat to project green, blue, and green-blue. Tailbone to create red, yellow and orange (earth).

2. Meditation on Twin hearts a. sit with bowed head b. raise arms palms out c. Press heart energy point with finger to activate d. Feel feelings of love and compassion swell up. This can be done by bring up happy events. E. Activate crown by pressing with finger. Smile inwardly at crown. F. Palms facing outward in front of the body. G. Image the earth in front of you in the size of a small ball. Bless the earth with energy and goodwill . Feel divine peace within your heart flow to your hands and outward to the earth. H. See a beautiful golden light flow from your crown and your heart to hands and through your hands to the earth. I. Put your hands on your lap, palms up. Visualize a brilliant golden light just above your crown. J. Release excess energy to avoid congestion. K. Ground L. Give thanks.

3. Pre-surgery, general sweep with light whitish-green and light whitish violet, ten times with each color. Area to be operated on sweep with light whitish-green and light whitish violet, 10 times. Energize with light whitish green then light whitish violet for 5 minutes. Tailbone sweep with light whitish green and light whitish violet, 10 times each color. Energize with light whitish red for at least 5 minutes.

4. Post-surgery (2XPre-surgery) , general sweep with light whitish-green and light whitish violet, ten times with each color. Area operated on sweep with light whitish-green and light whitish violet, 50 times. Energize with light whitish green then light whitish violet for 10 minutes. Tailbone sweep with light whitish green and light whitish violet, 10 times each color. Energize with light whitish red for at least 10 minutes. Solar Plexus sweep with whitish green and light whitish violet, 100 times each color. Energize with white chi for 10 minutes.

5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, solar plexus sweep with light whitish green. Energize with light whitish green, then light whitish blue, then light whitish violet.. Repeat process on navel.

6. Stress Relief, cord-cutting negative chi connection, sweep seven times with light whitish green then seven times with electric violet. Form a clear intent to sweep away any negative thoughts and emotions lodge in the solar plexus, front and back, for five minutes. Focus on between eyebrow, fronthead, and crown with energy color patterns. Optional perform Mediation on Twin hearts.

7. Clear, crisp pictures of your healing are helpful.

8. Establish clear intent.

9. Become sensitive to chi energy.

10. Energy aura has four principals: a. to absorb, distribute, and energize the physical body. B. a template for the physical body c. to control through energy centers d. to serve as protective shield against energetic contamination.

11. The unconscious mind controls the flow of chi throughout the body. The mind absorbs, assimilates, and distributes chi through out the body.

12. Functional boundary occurs when some emotional disturbance creates and energy disturbance. Energetic congestion can occur and health problems arise. All negative emotions are short lived if you don’t resist them. We can feel the affects of fear in our body, racing heart, dry mouth, and tight stomach. Only after negative emotions have built to such intensity do they burst through.. If your mind clamps down on the smooth muscles of your intestinal tract, this can cause irritable bowel syndrome, vague abdominal pain, bleeding, diarrhea, or constipation. Denying or suppressing negative emotion gives it greater power.

13. Clearing, sweeping, energizing, and energy hygiene clear negative emotion energy.

14. You can clear negative energy with higher level thinking. Questions and answers will lead you to emotional root cause. Place light, nonjudgmental awareness on the uncovered emotion, trauma, or memory for a while.

15. Disposing dirty energy properly by visualizing you have a green fire burning in a bucket at your side, throw your dirty energy into it. When you are finished sweeping, extinguish the flame by visualizing a buck of water pouring on it. Or you can use a bowl of salt water.

16. Local Self sweeping : From a standing position, tap your throat, project green through fingertips, turn the dominant hand in slight cupped sweeping position, fingers pointing to the solar plexus, 4 to 6 inches away. Sweep with a tight counterclockwise motion, one per second, visualize green beams extending from your fingertips and penetrating several inches into the skin to scrape out grayish-brown dirty energy. Dispose the dirty energy.

17. Always project a pastel ring of color with a white center. Project a white disk with a pastel ring of colored chi. Dark colored chi are very strong energy and difficult to control.

18. Don’t mix violet or electric violet with red, yellow, or orange. Both violet and violet electric are magnifying effects. Don’t mix red and yellow. Dirty red and dirty yellow are the energy colors of cancer.
