
Books : The Oxygen Prescription - Ozone Therapy ( Health )

The Oxygen Prescription

1. Direct Intraveneous Injection Ozone therapy is considered dangerous and without clinical advantages in Europe and Cuba.

2. Over the years, some physicians have found that too much ozone can be immunosuppressive, while not enough can be ineffective. In an effort to discover the lowest possible dose of ozone needed to enhance immune activity, many researchers see micro-dosing as an important guideline in future therapeutic ozone applications.

3. Dr. Horst Kief believes rectal insufflation method of ozone-oxygen delivery due to the several unique properties of the large intestine valuable because of its enormous surface of resorption. The intestinum of adults is 12 meters long. The circulatory system of the intestinum is connected to the liver through the portal vein, where most of the biochemical, immunological, and metabolic processes take place. The intestinal flora may trigger a number of diseases. Rectal insufflation may increase oxygen yield improvements relating to oxidative processes taking place in the liver due to the increased flood of reactive oxygen metabolities supplied to this organ. Rectal insufflation is considered a safe and simple method of ozone delivery.

4. In Major autohemotherapy, 250 ml of the patients blood is withdrawn and oxygen and ozone are added to the blood and then the ozonated blood is reintroduced into the vein through intravenous drip. Major Autohemotherapy has been found to active red blood cell metabolism, increase ATP production and oxygen release, activate the immune system with the release of cytokines, aid in immune system modulation, and increase the body’s antioxidant capacity.

5. Body Ozone Exposure delivery system calls for the patient to sit in a steam cabinet. In addition to steam, a mixture of oxygen and ozone is pumped into the cabinet through a tube from an ozone generator. A session last 20 to 30 minutes. Ozone must not be inhaled and the steam cabinet must be sealed to prevent ozone leakage and the room in which the treatment occurs must be adequately ventilated.

6. Direct intravenous injection is considered by health practitioners in Europe and Cuba as dangerous. Precise ozone dosage is impossible to determine. Direct IV in dogs has consistently demonstrated pulmonary embolisms. The emboloism associated with direct IV will induce brochospasm. Direct IV is not comfort for the patient causing chest pain, coughing spasms, and tachycardia. Dr Bocci says, “the use of intravenous administration route is extremely dangerous, because even if the gaseous mixture of oxygen-ozone is administered very slowly with a pump, it frequently procures lung embolization and serious side effects, particularly when daily dosage is up to 120 ml.”

7. Ozone IV with saline are not promising. Dr. Renate Viebahn-Haensler says “we have measured the reaction products under different conditions and approaches. The results are not promising: we always got NaOCL, hypochloric acid which is toxic to blood and blood vessels.

8. Extracorporeal Blood circulation developed by Velico Bocci ozones large amounts of blood in a single session, 5 liters over 30 to 45 minutes using a method similar to kidney dialysis using “hydrophobic gas exchangers coated with biocompatible compounds to prevent platelet activation.” Extracorporal Blood circulation showed improvements for inoperative metastatic cancer.

9. Autohomologous Immunotherapy calls for a sample of patient’s blood and urine which is taken to a laboratory and broken down in their different cellular and fluid parts, known as fractions. Each fraction undergoes more than a dozen special biochemical and processing steps, including ozonation. These fractions are then recombined as drops, injections, or inhalations fluids over a period of several months. Autohomologous Immunotherapy helps aid in the body’s natural defense mechanism and has not adverse side effects.
