
Entertainment Movies - National Treasure and the Book of Secrets

Wilkinson forces the search for the city of Gold. Wilkinson provided security in Iraq, black market trades, and involved in the underworld. Mitch Wilkinson presents evidence suggesting that Thomas Gates master minded the assassination of President Lincoln and offers the evidence to academia and the public media.

Ben must find the city of Gold proving his grandfather’s innocence. Wilkinson confesses, at a future time, that he planned to force Ben into the hunt for the city of Gold. Wilkinson wanted to create a legacy for his family, as the family that discovered the city of Gold. In the end, Wilkinson sacrifices his life to save the group at the water gate; however, Ben credits both the Gates and Wilkinson families for finding the city of Gold. So it seems Wilkinson plan worked. Ben discovery of the treasure of the city of Gold becomes the ownership of the US. Ben initial statement was the treasure would be returned to the descendants of the Olmecs.

Just after the civil war, John Wilkes Booth, the Abraham Lincoln assassin , a member of the KCG approached Thomas Gates to decode an encrypted message. Thomas Gates realizes that Booth is looking for the Olmec City of Gold called Cibola, a coveted Confederate prize. Booth leaves for the theatre to shoot Lincoln. Gates calls confederate man watching him at gunpoint a traitor and is shot, but not before Gates throws the message into the fire of which most is burnt. Wilkinson reveals in a letter that Queen Victoria was supportive of the confederate cause making the civil war seem like a continuation of the revolutionary war.

Wilkinson notes says, “The debt that all men pay”, death. Using the codes Riley decodes the name Edouard Laboulaye lady. One of three, but only one called lady. Edouard Laboulaye provides the clue on the Statue of Liberty in Paris and lends Ben to search for the two resolute desks, one in Buckingham palace and the other in the oval office. The plate on the statue is decode by Ben to mean the resolute desks.

Precolumbian: Who is MG? How did MG get the Olmec map? The MG connection suggests that Olmec Civilizations capable of language, pyramids, calendars, metal workmanship, and religion. The city of Gold seems to connect with the Egyptian technology. The Olmec inhabitants of the city of Gold could have buried the city to safeguard it against pillage from warring neighbors, a center for religious worship, as wars emerged and the invasion became eminent. Olmec civilization has Shemtic customs, cultures, and signs. Whereas, Aztec represents Asianic influence and belief systems. Egyptian technology was exceeded by the Olmec with their stones weighting 300 tons per block verses 10 tons. Gold and pyramids correlate.

Gold was plentiful: The discovers have the wonderment of Cortez, after they realized the immense wealth available as the natives mistook him for a returning white God; Ben finds no natives to greet him only their deadly stone door that seals them in.

The fact the treasure map is Olmec and not Toltec or Aztec or Mayan suggests a particular interest in advanced civilization migration. The Olmecs myth includes a story about traveling over a ocean to the Americas. The Olmecs also include a incredible story of the Great White God's visit teaching them to be kind to the wives and children, transmission of architectural sciences, education of medicine, and the mathematics of time.

The fact that Ben’s mother could read the glyphs suggests the Olmec language had a common derivative known in the eastern world or the University had decoding other similar gylphs that were known. The real treasure was the discovery of the Olmec civilization, their language, and religion, and their wars.

MG built the two desks and each desks has four drawers that open to numeric notches that open a hidden drawer. Each desk has a part of an Olmec treasure map. President Hayes discovers the Olmec map and photographs it and puts in a Book of Secrets which every president preserves the secret. Ben steals the Olmec map from Buckingham palace. Ben discovers the Olmec maps is not in the desk in the oval office. Riley Poole helps Ben realize the clue could be in the Book of secrets marked by a Eagles with arrows and a scroll. Ben arranges the President’s birthday to be held on Mount Veron and presidents the president with a gift of the blue prints for Mount Veron and a secret passage. The President wants to explore the secret passage. The president does not seem to know where the treasure exists. However, the President discloses the Book of Secret location, book number, security combination key, and page 47. Ben, Riley, and Abigail find the clue. Ben’s mother decodes the map and sends a message to Ben using the code word “humming bird”.

Wilkinson provides the clues to find the eagle in the rock and Ben unlatches the lock that opens a passage way to the city of Gold. The group gets locked into the passage way. The group is separated into two groups as a trap door captures Abgail, Ben, Riley, and Mitch. Patrick and wife eventual swing their way into treasure and the other group counter weights each other one at a time out of a sure death. The water gate provide escape for all but Mitch. Mitch drowns and the rest of the group walks out of the cave.
