
Books : Net Future

Net Future

1. Your company will sooner or later be face with buying or selling something online.

2. Ask yourself what business you’re really in.

3. Look at whether customers would be willing to pay more for less and how existing products can be chopped into smaller pieces.

4. Be open to easing the division between home and work.

5. Before the company leases or builds one more office, make sure it space planning team includes some telecommuting expertise.

6. Ask yourself what information can be shared to increase your co-workers ability to do their job.

7. The Net can transform a previously neglected market into a stronger piece of the companies business. Rethink low-margin markets.

8. Find out what your customer hate about doing business with you, and see whether they would rather do some of these things themselves.

9. Think about every element that goes into pricing a product. Are there components of price that could be eliminated by going to the web?

10. What would be the value proposition of your product if it were suddenly available to everyone on the web?

11. Experiment with flexible pricing and auctioning surplus inventory.

12. Cross train sales and customer service.

13. Integrate customer data sources so that your company is organized around individual customers instead of products.

14. Create an incentive program that recognizes and rewards effective sharing of knowledge as highly as individual effort.

15. Think about how you could speed up time-to-market by using instant messaging.

16. Can your customers be leveraged as an experienced community?

17. Provide increasing online learning and self-motivated career advancement.

18. Constantly challenge yourself and those around you with “What if” scenarios.

19. Corporate intranets can be used for videoconferencing, to remind managers of salary reviews, facilitate purchasing of supplies and equipment, scheduling, and online discounts. Intranets empower employees to communicate with each other. Teamwork is becoming more complex and technology provides a way for the team to collaborate. For example, Microsoft NetMeetings saves $10k-20k on one business team project in reduced travel and lodging expenses. Organization decentralization flattens the hierarchy. Netmeetings replace the need to send VCR video to departments. Companies should not force employees to have an electronic presences. “As a digital manager, my goal is to have a fully functional, self managed team using the Web. With NetMeeting employees can work on a project together from their homes”, says Linda Fisher of Boeing.

20. Managing the volume of information accumulated on the intranet may require implementing a search engine. Google provides an intranet search engine. The volume of information demonstrates how unorganized and overwhelming the intranet can be to people. Companies are looking at better ways to catalogue and evaluate the quality of the information.

21. Net Future works well for service countries like India. A company can gain access to remote skill and dramatic reduce costs and increase quality. Abundance of cheap and high quality skill is the desired labor dream.

22. In North America, 74 percent of companies expect their use of telecommuting to increase by the year 2000.

23. Net content should be honest and credible. Companies want their employees to trust the information. Launch the content server and learn as you go. Don’t get bogged down in the details but keep a view of the overall processes. Keep content updated constantly and seek constant feedback. Supply links to other relevant content making the intranet an interactive convenience center. The most effective means to create content is for the user to create it themselves. The wired worforce should help shape the way the company shares information. Maintain quality by easy to use templates and graphics and style guidelines that offer the user flexibility while maintaining a consistent look. Communications professionals should be involved in deciding what information goes on the intranet.

24. Employees are more likely to use the intranet if they see key executives participate actively. Encourage individual divisions to create their portions of the intranet to suit their own work needs.

25. Internet AD dollar go to companies that can deliver the biggest number of page views.

26. “In the Net economy, the new agent gets the same discount from the publisher but passes the entire discount through to the employees at a subscribing corporation.” Employees benefit by reduced cost for their subscriptions.

27. Collaborative Thinking will create instant human networks that develop and dissolve as need arises. “In the future company will need to leverage experience communities if they are to acquire and maintain credibility.” It is helpful to talk to people who know how stuff works and have been using the products or services. “Studies show that 98 percent of people who put items in their shopping cart abandon the transaction before completing it. One of our customer found that sales were 40 percent fewer than they could have been because people couldn’t get answers to their questions.”
