
Books : The Dance of Molecules ( Nanotechnology )

The Dance of the Molecules

"Nanotechnologist have as their goal to design and build matter to order, specified by a functional requirement. Nanotechnology is coordinated movement, a choreographed dance among atoms and molecules to achieve a desired effect."

"Labs-on-chips and nanometer probes link the logical and the biological-the computational and the sensational, and the dry and the moist. They open avenues to apply our most powerful human-made engines of analysis to themost intricate, fascinating system ever engineered: the organism."

1. The near future for nanotechnology may see applications, such as, diabetic monitoring of blood sugar levels (bio-pharmacy), filtering cells for dangerous mutation (bio-chip), removing pollutants for the air and water, hardened nanotech polymer bullets, miniscule unmanned drones with aluminum oxide explosives, hydrogen powered muscle suits, digital paint that scan refreshes display scenes from across the world, wireless tracking – recording – and imaging devices the size of dust, DNA grown circuits and nanowires, DNA computing devices, protein inspired materials with increased tensile strength, blends of nano composites and organic scaffolding.

2. In 2005, $30 billion was invested in health research

3. Nanotechnology holds the promise of being able to detect cancer in the early stages when cell count ranges between 10-100 cells rather than 1 billion cell colonies. Shming Nie invented a light emitting beacon; the beacon has selective molecules that work like velco, sticking to the cancer cell; the 5 nanometer Quantum Dot emits a orange-red hue; the beacon is composed of a cancer recognizing polymer and protect against the toxicity of the cadmium selenide. DNA scaffolding extended the duration of light emissions by the beacons.

4. Millions of lab experiments and tests inside the person are done by biochips.

5. Bob Langer work focused on drug delivery in a consistent concentration release level. Drug decay prevention improved effectiveness by trapping the drug in wafers made of polymers, the sponge-like polymers controlled the escape speed of the drug. Langer improved delivery by taking the drug directly to the cell by using 100 nm, Liposomes filled with different drugs; the Liposomes were decoreated with molecules that bind to specific markers on the cancerous cells, the membrane fuses with the cell, and the drug is released into the cell. Liposomes have been used to treat, Kaposi Sarcoma.

6. Pharmacy on a chip is a programmed implant that can release drugs. The pharmacy chip is connected to a group of gold reservoirs containing 1 billionth of a liter of the drug and the thin gold containment membrane dissolves when under electric charge.

7. Russel Giodano discovered 3D structures like apartments for cells; George Whiteside discovered patterns on the apartment that allowed cells to live or die. Sam Stupp’s work on neuron lead him to build a regenerative DNA scaffold, self-organized molecules forming a long rod with the ends covered with nerve tissue promoting proteins. Next, stems were injected into the scaffolding and the stem cells differentiated into neurite cells,instead of astrocytes, healthy cells that could integrate into future spinal injuries repairs or Alzheimer’s patients.
