
Books : How Customers Think ( Marketing )

How Customers Think

1. Rohit Deshpade noted that over 80 percent of all market research serves mainly to reinforce existing conclusions, not to test or develop new possibilities. Managers act as if endorsing current views merits 80 percent of their resources.

2. Recent studies of the effects of brain lesions demonstrate that when neurological structures responsible for either emotion or reasoning sustain damage, the affected individuals lose their ability to make the kinds of sound decisions permitting a normal life.

3. The operation of our memory and emotions occurs below our threshold of awareness. Why do people purchase expensive things? One answer reveals an important feeling relating to self-esteem. Once realized the company strengthens its relationships with the purchasing agents by acknowledging the feeling most closely related to self-esteem during sales calls.

4. The Western view of the mind states the mind does not exist absence the brain, body, and society.

5. Emotion allows the mind to reorganize, innovate, and produce something better and more useful. Memories are metaphors. People generally do not think in words, they think in metaphors. Metaphors help the individual to perceive the world, help to see new connections, and draw meaning from experiences. Without imagination nothing in the world would be meaningful. Without imagination we could not interpret our experiences. Without imagination we could not reason toward knowledge of reality.

6. When customers are exposed to product concepts, company stories, or brand information, they don’t passively absorb those messages. Instead, they create their own meaning by mixing information from the company with their own memories, other stimuli present at the moment, and the metaphors that come to mind as they think about the firm’s message.

7. Poor quality thinking cannibalizes high-quality thinking. Quality thinking takes time. True understanding takes time.

8. Many consumers view their clothing as a personal container or an extension of the self.

9. Largely ignored, are the Emotional benefits of the product or service. The goal is insightful consumer analysis feed by understanding how consumer mental activity occurs.

10. The more skilled marketers are in listening to customers, the more effective their marketing strategies will be establishing the value of the firm’s offerings

11. The more clearly current and potential customers understand the value of the firm’s offerings, the larger the top line will be.

12. Skillful listening tells the management team how large a challenge they face, especially in terms of meeting latent needs.

13. Michael Tomasello, states that cognitive skills have been learned fast because of social and cultural transmission.

14. When we encounter new ideas through verbal communication, they root themselves within a preexisting system that gives them relevance. Different cultures emphasize different thoughts.

15. 80 percent of communication occurs non-verbally.

16. Joseph Turner, reason and emotion are not opposites; they are partners who occasionally disagree but depend on one another for success

17. Logical thoughts are much easier to articulate than emotions.

18. Managers who deeply understand their consumers may accurately anticipate their responses to a new product before the firm presents it.

19. Unconsciously a buyer believes that the national brand works better and is therefore better for loved ones (severe sympthoms, self or spouse or child)

20. Fast stimulus to messages occurs when the message is flashed subliminally.

21. People perceive messages transmitted by a baby-faced person as more sincere because they see babies as innocent and honest.

22. The exact same dinner tastes different depending on whether one is dining with a close friend or an unpleasant stranger.

23. The correlation between stated intent and actual behavior is low. 12 percent of the time, customers actually purchases items that they verbal indicated that they would purchase.

24. Customer predispositions create feelings and thoughts toward the brand and unconsciously influence their reaction to the brand.
