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Going Rogue

Sarah Palin work ethic is tough. Palin basketball team won the state championship. Palin won scholarships. Palin graduated from University of Idaho, debt free. Palin was mayor Wasilla and Governor of Alaska within ten years.

1. Palin believes that government should be on the side of people. Palin works hard to build the trust and understanding of the people for the political offices held.

2. Palin believes in limited government allowing free market enterprise to flourish. Palin believes business should solve problems on their own.

3. Palin believes in building infrastructure to attract industry. Palin is very popular in Hong Kong and Singapore because of her industrial planning vision. Both Singapore and Hong Kong have built infrastructure that has attracted billions of dollars of industrial companies manufacturing and made these countries rich with large cash reserves.

4. As governor of Alaska, Palin efforts lead to a win against Exxon Mobile in 2008 giving money to the people of Alaska for the oil spill.

5. Palin is a family center person involving herself in coaching, PTA, and church activities with her family. Palin speaks of her faith in God and belief in her husband and children as a source of support.

6. Palin believes in community to solve problems. Communities are a blessing providing the voluntarism needed to coordinate and solve problems. Communities balance out the needs and wishes of the people. Palin operates from a budget and removing government excess and reducing the weight of large government.

7. Sarah Palin will be a good choice for President. Palin is very intelligent, offers strong leadership experience, fights against corrupt politics and business, and encourages economic growth.

8. Palin believes in keeping local and state government out of the way of business and people. Palin believes in fighting government corruption. In the past, Palin fired politicians. Palin said, the she wanted Alaska to give to the lower 48 rather than take. Energy was the top agenda item.

10. Palin believes in building for the future. Palin supported the completion of the $40 billion oil and natural gas pipeline from the Northern Slope to the lower 48 states. The pipeline had been approved in 1979, but never completed. Palin said the pipeline could provide domestic energy production for the next ten years with the potential of 100 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered natural gas reserves.

11. Palin exposed the Oil lease loophole where oil companies lease large areas of land but do not drill. The oil companies use leasing to limit competition and keep oil prices artificial high. The oil companies claim that the cost to drill puts them at risk because they need to save the profits rather than invest it into drilling for new oil reserves. Palin advocates that the oil companies should drill and extract oil or give up their leases on the land.

12. Palin believes energy production is a form of capital. Energy from Alaska provide cheaper heating fuel, more domestic gasoline, and cheaper electricity. The increase in domestic oil production would reduce oil import debt and return more dollars home. The dollar would gain in strength as less oil is imported into the US and more oil is exported.

13. Palin does not believe in the welfare state. Palin encourages youth and families on welfare to gain eduction and work rather than live off government programs.

14. Palin believes in conservative government fiscal policy. Palin believes in paying down debt during boom, reducing unnecessary government spending, removing unnecessary state programs, downsizing government, and balancing the budget. Palin advocates gaining the people's faith for good government by providing programs that people want. Palin introduces the idea of open books to the public to help identify areas of waste.

Likewise, Idaho has a pay as you go policy and operates within a budget constraint. Idaho has take very little federal monies. Idaho has low taxes and a strong agriculture base with low amounts of debt. Butch Otter is a great governor!


1. I would like to hear Sarah Palin talk about "What are the important roles that Idaho and Alaska will play in producing energy and food for the United States?"

2. Common sense, "How came the king by a power which the people are afraid to trust?" How can this power come from a wise people or from God? How will the power of large government, be checked, in age of big government?

3. What are the moral virtues that government should follow to ensure the safety, freedom, and prosperity of the people that it governs?

4. I would to hear Sarah Palin talk about "How to build infrastructure to encourage Industrial development in China?"

5. I would like to hear Palins views on "Why are we so clueless about the Bond Market?"

6. I would like to hear Palins views on "Government when God shall rule"

7. I would like to hear Palins views on "How conservative fiscal policy can transform big government?" Palin should write a book called, "The Total Government Makeover".
